I want to thank RCTV, Kevin Vendt and Tara Gregory for a great candidate forum last night. If you haven’t had a chance to watch, you can here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVGw4as-LJo Election Day is this Tuesday, May 14th from 7am-8pm at RMHS. I hope to see you there. Thank you Reading!
Last Day to Early Vote!
Today is the last day of Early Voting ! Town Hall is open until 5:30PM tonight. A big THANK YOU to everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to cast their early ballots! I look forward to being a voice for all of the Town of Reading, MA.
The Last Corner Meet & Greet
Great meet and greet so far down at The Last Corner. I’ll be here for another half hour if you want to stop by. Early voting ends tomorrow!
May 7th Deadline to Request Ballots
Tuesday May 7th is the last day to request a mail-in or absentee ballot for the Special Election. Applications and information can be found on the Town’s website. All applications must be received by Town Hall by 5:00 PM. https://www.readingma.gov/254/Elections #PlanToVote
Endorsement Alert! Thank you Laura
Thank you for your support, Laura! For the full article, click below: Dear Editor, I write today in order to express my strong support for Melissa Murphy, candidate for Reading’s Select Board. Of the two candidates running for the vacant seat on the Reading Select Board, only one possesses the qualifications necessary to fulfill this position, and that is Melissa … Read More
Early Voting Starts This Saturday!
Early Voting starts this Saturday, May 4th at Reading Town Hall. Please see the dates and times below for details. Thank you for your early vote and continued support!
April Sign Holding
Another great day sign holding on the Common! Come join us next Saturday 5/4/24 and take the opportunity to vote early at Town Hall from 9-5.
Reading Little League Fundraiser
What a fun night playing music bingo to raise money for Reading Little League!
Perfecto’s Meet and Greet
Here this morning at Perfecto’s for a meet and greet until 10. I’m looking forward to listening to your concerns and answering your questions. Thank you!